Category Archives: Edmund Berrigan

“These Little Oases: A Gathering”: New York City Symposium and Poetry Reading (October 28, 2023)

Next Saturday, October 28, there will be a symposium and poetry reading in New York hosted by the Network for New York School Studies (a recently founded organization I wrote about previously here) in conjunction with the Brooklyn Rail. It … Continue reading

Posted in Alexandra Gold, Anne Waldman, Anselm Berrigan, Bunny Lang, Edmund Berrigan, Event, Frank O'Hara, Joan Mitchell, John Ashbery, John Yau, Jordan Davis, Kay Gabriel, Larry Rivers, Lee Ann Brown, Libbie Rifkin, Nick Sturm, Patricia Spears Jones, Rona Cran, Tony Torn | Leave a comment

Reading Ted Berrigan’s Poetry: Alice, Anselm, and Edmund

This is quite a treat for fans of the Berrigan/Notley family of poets: Don Yorty recently posted some footage of a reading that took place in 2011 at (the amazing) St. Marks Bookstore in New York to celebrate the publication of The Selected Poems of … Continue reading

Posted in Alice Notley, Anselm Berrigan, Edmund Berrigan, Ted Berrigan, Video | Leave a comment

New Frank O’Hara Plaque Unveiled in New York

A few weeks ago, I posted a piece about the four New York apartments Frank O’Hara lived in.  I discussed the plaque that has long been above the front door of his apartment at 90 University Place, and a new plaque that the Greenwich Village … Continue reading

Posted in Edmund Berrigan, Event, Frank O'Hara, New York, Tony Towle, Video, Vincent Warren | Leave a comment