Category Archives: Ann Beattie

Roundup of Recent “New York School” News and Links (2/20/18)

Ever since I started doing this blog (back in 2013), it’s been a challenge for me to just keep up with the steady stream of New York School-related news and happenings. (It doesn’t help that this doesn’t actually count as … Continue reading

Posted in Alice Notley, Andy Fitch, Ann Beattie, Art Exhibit, Book Review, Charles Bernstein, Criticism, Daniel Kane, Eileen Myles, Frank O'Hara, Gwendolyn Brooks, Harry Mathews, In Memoriam, Jasper Johns, Jeff Dolven, Joe Brainard, John Ashbery, John LaTouche, Lou Reed, Mark Ford, Matthew Bevis, Music, Nick Sturm, Ron Padgett, Roundup, Sandra Simonds, Ted Berrigan, Velvet Underground | 1 Comment